Committee Update
Dear Members
It’s a new year and we are excited to be able to plan and run events after the lengthy lockdowns we have all experienced.
We started the year with a twilight protocol day at Five Star in Cranbourne South. We were lucky to secure Heather Buckland, who was wonderfully encouraging, and the available spots filled very quickly. It was a great outing for either young horses or horses having a go at the next level.
We will look to run further protocol days throughout the year as they continue to prove very popular.
Our next planned event is a fun, social evening on Friday 4th March, 2022. This will be an informal get together with pizza and soft drinks provided, (BYO alcohol), and a short talk by Heather Gee. We will also be helmet tagging on the evening. Members are welcome to bring a friend. RSVP to Olwen by Wed 2/3/22 at the.kemps1@bigpond.com
Our rescheduled 2021 Piaffe Premier Cup is going ahead on Sunday 3rd April, 2022. We have fantastic prizes provided by our wonderful sponsors. This will be a great event to ride at. We also would love any members who can spare a couple hours to give us a hand. Entries via nominate (link under the "Events" tab). Anyone who can help please contact Francine on francinemarshall@hotmail.com
We are also planning to run the long standing ASHES competition, an unofficial members only (WDC and Berwick and Districts ) fun competition. Date and venue to be confirmed.
We look forward to seeing you all at one of our events soon.
The Committee
Calendar of Events

Membership is open to people10 Years and over subject to approval by the Committee.
PLEASE ENSURE WE HAVE YOUR CURRENT EMAIL ADDRESS AT ALL TIMES - changes should be addressed to the Secretary.
Membership Renewal is due on the 1st NOVEMBER of each year. This has been extended due to COVID.
Click the Link below for more info
Horse/Pony of the Year